
The methodology proceeds along the logical path composed of six work packages.

The root of the project lies in WP1, where we develop and use several measurement techniques to generate unprecedented datasets for Belgian offshore wind energy zones. This data lies at the foundation of the remainder of the project.

WP2 will apply machine learning to fuse unconventional data sources, resulting in virtual sensors and the extraction of anomalous events from the vast datasets.

WP3 instead focuses on data assimilation within weather forecasts at micro and meso scales to estimate and reconstruct detailed flow structures from the measurement data.

WP4 is devoted to improving forecasting algorithms for operational use with a specific focus on wind-farm wake modeling.

WP5 serves as the capstone of the project, collecting efforts from all work packages, demonstrating the impact on existing and future Belgian offshore wind farms.

Finally, WP6 covers management & dissemination activities